miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Bloody Pronunciation!

English is not difficult. Convince yourself. In fact, it´s the most simple language grammatically speaking. That´s why it was chosen as a lingua franca to communicate among countries, but it´s true that English Pronunciation is Spaniards´worst enemy, and I´m not going to deny this fact. English phonetics it´s not easy at all, but to become its friend we have to admit first that ENGLISH IS NOT READ AND WRITTEN IN THE SAME WAY. English is not Spanish my dearest, and it´s not a syllabic language (that is to say, pronounced syllable by syllable and written as it sounds). When you start admitting this, you can start getting closer to pronunciaton. Leave prejudices apart.
No language is easy at the beginning, not even Spanish although you think the opposite and to show you this is absolutely true, I bring this interesting video of some Americans trying to learn our language. See it and then tell me if you think differently.

But when a foreigner starts learning Spanish, at least they have some rules of pronunciation that makes their life easier. On the contrary, it doesn´t happen the same with English. I´m sorry to tell you that English has no fixed pronunciation rules. It´s very difficult to establish a rule, so the best thing you can do is practising a lot either by listening to music, watching TV or films and series in English. 
Here I leave you a link from the BBC (a website I absolutely recommend you) where you can start practising. I advise you to do it on your own, with nobody at home, they may think you´ve become mad (ha, ha, ha...).
Good luck!

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